I walk about a mile and 1/2 to school Lunes to Fritag and then another to come back. After experimenting with different routes i found the one with the least amount of:
- Howlers [men of all different ages who say things that point out that i am a woman (they are actually pretty unavoidable as a lot of comments are made from the safety of their cars)]
- Frighteningly loud dogs behind the gates of houses (they can smell my fear)
My route is also made in cooperation with my regulars that i say hello to: Old Guy who sits on his porch, Guard at the school, Esteban and others (guys who work at the Furniture store that now one of my friends is dating)
- Various stray dogs and their poop
- THE SUN (always says hello back)
i like to list things.
My walks are always eventful whether its on my way to school or on the way back, i watch by as the music from my ipod is the soundtrack to the Latino actors playing a 'typical day in Costa Rica'.
I like to collect things, i am pretty sentimental.
Last semester i collected feathers.
The other day i found this on the side of the road and picked out two for myself:
Too bad i don't have the tools to cut tile or else these would make really great necklaces.
My neighborhood in Costa Rica is really nice. So nice that I walk by the presidents mothers house on my way to school. One of the first times I saw the house there was a goat grazing in the front lawn. Its a beautiful white house with huge trees, a basketball court and it looks out at a view of the mountains. In the yard the biggest and best tree around there is a lonely swing.
There are two barriers between that swing and me.
The first is a rock wall that goes up to my shoulder at its highest point. There is a small knit fence on top of this wall along with some harmless looking foliage. I have gotten to this point, on top of the rock wall to get a picture of the tree but not any further. The next obstacle to swing bliss is this taller then me, pointy on the top tips, bitch of another fence!
Every time I walk past this house I dream of jumping this fence and taking a swing under that beautiful tree. But then I think of the possible consequences of this action. It goes in a sequence. First it’s getting caught, and then it’s legal action (trespassing), then its possibly jail or a large fine, deportation, having criminal action on my records, not getting a good education because I was kicked out of my school, and then death.
(Ok so the ending is a bit dramatic sounding, but it is the inevitable truth)
What is it that holds us back from doing what we want?
Is it the barriers or the consequences?
PS i love words. *Kalology is the study of beauty